The importance of clarity and goals for learning
This article first appeared at JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG, Volume 5,
Issue 1 (ISSN: 2434-1002)
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There is one valuable idea in educational neuroscience
that has changed my thinking: the brain cannot not learn, but it changed me in a way you might not expect. When we read
that the brain cannot not learn,
those of us that have no knowledge about how the brain really works might think
it easy for the brain to harness untapped potentials that make becoming
a genius, or a recognized expert, within easy reach for all of us. However, that is not true. That is precisely why
we must start digging for more knowledge about our neurological processes that promote
learning because believing without knowing is akin to preaching without doing
and, in both cases, the result is doomed to be disastrous (Kahneman, 2002).
Let us start by examining the fact that the brain
cannot not learn. This, by the way,
is an adage that is recurrent in the
neuroscience literature but one that I give Tokuhama-Espinosa credit for (2014).
The fact that the brain is an organ that regulates our survival means, at its
core, that every act it performs is guided towards keeping us alive. The fact
that we need to constantly adapt to the ever-changing circumstances around us
means that we are increasingly challenged to upgrade our knowledge and upskill
our capabilities. This is inherent to our species and runs in tandem with our
most basic interests as it is something that is deeply rooted in our systems for
biological safekeeping.
A second implication of this adage is that the brain is constantly learning, either at a
conscious or unconscious level and that is a warning for teachers. Whether they
have prepared lessons that take this into account is not a question, but rather
a principle that should steer their purposes and practices. The moment teachers
truly understand that students are constantly picking up bits of information
and linking them to previous knowledge to make sense of what is important to
them, teachers can realize the importance of being clear about their intentions
for learning. To facilitate the learning, we must be clear about our goals.
A feature of the brain that is often discussed in the
literature is that it is a physical organ that works towards efficiency (Achard & Bullmore, 2007; Braun, Muldoon, &
Basset, 2001; Supekar et al, 2008). This is easy to understand once we
acknowledge that this organ consumes
more than 20% of the body’s energy to perform the functions that keep us alive
and make us develop in our contexts (Ramacciotti, 2018). It has built-in
mechanisms that safeguard our actions by making sure that safe routes are used (Sporns,
2011; Van den Heuvel et al, 2009). One such
safe route is that of learning intentions. As learners, we are constantly
moving from a comfort zone towards a discomfort zone when navigating in the
social interactions that permeate our learning. That means we are leaving the
safe realm of familiarity to pursue new concepts, ideas and constructs that are
made available in our social environment, but which are still to be understood
and mastered, and therefore, are unfamiliar to us.
This was first perceived by Vygotsky (1978) who turned
into a psychological construct coined as ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) which
has been advocated in cognitive science (Csibra & Gergely, 2006; Goswami,
2008). The fact that we have to forgo safety and leave our comfort zones to move
towards unfamiliar terrain cannot be accomplished if we do not place a high
value on the intended result, i.e., the goal and objectives of the learning. It
is not enough to be in a socially conducive environment; our brains have to
envisage what the final picture looks like, and that requires clarity in our learning
This boils down to a simple yet effective analogy, which,
by the way, aids learners in making a positive transfer (Richland, Zur, &
Holyoak, 2007). When we start to assemble a puzzle piece, irrespective of size,
what is the first thing that we do? We look at the whole picture. We have to
see what we are aiming at which becomes both the compass to guide us, and the purpose
for engaging in such an endeavor. As puzzle assemblers know too well, such a purpose
is what prevents us from giving up when we face the little individual pieces, especially
in the case of 500-piece or more puzzles, that seem to have no connection to
the final result.
When we secure a purpose, what that means in regard to
learning is making it clear what we want to achieve. In other words, teachers should provide
learners with a vision of what success looks like, which then becomes their
compass and purpose. Relying on that vision, learners know that, given time, and
patient effort, they will eventually get there. We have given them a purpose
and that safeguards not only the journey, but also the destination. Learning
Success, then, lies on the horizon so the challenge and the obstacles we face become
worthy of our commitment. That is how we learn intentionally and that is why we
must move forward purposefully with clear goals for each and every learning
endeavor. To put it shortly, the brain cannot not learn, but it learns best
when we have a clear vision and purpose to guide it.
Achard, S., & Bullmore, E. (2007).
Efficiency and cost of economical brain functional networks. PLoS Computational
Biology, 3(2), e17.
Braun, U., Muldoon, S. F., &
Bassett, D. S. (2001). On human brain networks in health and disease. eLS,
Csibra, G., & Gergely, G. (2006). Social
learning and social cognition: The case for pedagogy. Processes of change in
brain and cognitive development. Attention and Performance XXI, 21,
Goswami, U. (2008). Principles of
learning, implications for teaching: A cognitive neuroscience perspective. Journal
of Philosophy of Education, 42(3‐4), 381-399.
Kahneman, D. (2002). Maps of bounded
rationality: A perspective on intuitive judgment and choice. Nobel Prize Lecture, 8,
Ramacciotti, M. (2018). Aprender:
entendendo o cérebro. Oficinal Digital.
Richland, L. E., Zur, O., & Holyoak, K.
J. (2007). Cognitive
supports for analogies in the mathematics classroom. Science-New York then
Washington-, 316(5828), 1128.
Sporns, O. (2011). The non-random brain:
efficiency, economy, and complex dynamics. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience,
5, 5.
Supekar, K., Menon, V., Rubin, D.,
Musen, M., & Greicius, M. D. (2008). Network analysis of intrinsic
functional brain connectivity in Alzheimer's disease. PLoS computational
biology, 4(6), e1000100.
Tokuhama-Espinosa, T. (2014). Making
classrooms better: 50 practical applications of mind, brain, and education
science. WW Norton & Company.
Van den Heuvel, M. P., Stam, C. J.,
Kahn, R. S., & Pol, H. E. H. (2009). Efficiency of functional brain
networks and intellectual performance. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(23),
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge, MA, Harvard
University Press.
Suggested Readings
Dweck, C. S. (1986). Motivational
processes affecting learning. American psychologist, 41(10),
Ramacciotti, M. (2018). Understanding Visible Learning
through a Brain Targeted Teaching Framework. Proceedings of the 2018 IAFOR European Conference on Education, 39-50. (ISSN:
2188-1162). Available at
Titsworth, S., & Mazer, J. P.
(2016). 5 Teacher Clarity: An Analysis of Current Research and Future
Directions. Communication and Learning, 16, 105.
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