Social and Emotinal Disorders: trying to understand disruption to learning

Photo by PinksamuraiFairlady on TrendHype / CC BY-SA When we think of disorders and what should be done, two words have to be top most in our minds: knowledge and adequacy , Both words relate to behaviors that may stem from or be associated with the disorder, be it of an individual or of the school community. The core concern here is that we are all dealing with impairments, disorders and disabilities that still have a faulty perception and understanding. Science has yet to unravel all the pieces of the puzzle that forms the behaviors educators deal with in schools. The knowledge that staff needs may come from a basic yet thorough informative in-service program about what those learning disruptions are, what ways they can be manifested and how we can work the environment (people and settings) to best accommodate what is not in order, whether transient or permanent When we consider adequacy , knowledge about treatments and medications is in order and sch...