Arts and Learning

Photo credit: <a href=""></a> As I read about learning and its intricacies, I keep wondering how interconnected, and interdependent, everything that is related to learning is, by nature and design. From the prism of arts, we can take, for starters, the idea that no new learning happens if not based upon prior knowledge ( Tokuhama - Espinosa , 2010; 2014). The fact that Aristotle has developed the same idea through the notion of schemas seems only to confirm that nature lends itself to a kind of observation to the keen eyes of true educators who are willingly to dissect its secrets. It is only when each student's vast array of previously learned content is accessed that what is known (content to be learned) will find a way to bind into what is already familiar. As each one of us has a different repertoire of previous experiences, it makes sense to use arts to hook what is known to what is to be learned by ...